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$ whoami

I’m an Information Engineer, passionate about anything technical, always wanting to learn new things. I love to solve real-world problems with elegant, simple, reliable solutions.

When I was a child I always had a screwdriver in my hands, taking apart devices to see how they work. I was the child that used to fix the technical issue of my parents.

I’ve got a master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Verona, where I also got my bachelor’s degree.

In 2020 I started working as a software engineer in Iotinga, a young company specialized in IoT devices. Here I did confront myself with challenging and stimulating projects, improving and learning new things everyday. I’m now holding a position as an Applied Research Director at the same company.

One of my passions is cybersecurity: I participated at the 2020 national cybersecurity challenge CyberChallenge.IT), where I qualified first at the local selection and, with the team of my university, 3rd at the national finals. I’m now one of the main organizers of the initiative at the University of Verona venue.

In the past I also participated in competitive programming contests, most notably with my team I qualified 21th at the Google HashCode 2019 world finals in Dublin. I worked as a tutor for the Italian Olympiad in Informatics till 2022.

Finally, I’m an hobbyist, I like doing DIY projects, fixing things, tearing them apart to see how they are built. I’m an hacker, in the original meaning, I linke modifying things to improve them, recycle and repurpose components that otherwise would have gone in the dumpster.

I’m a supporter of the Free Software and Open Source movements, and I’m a proud Linux user since 2011.

To know more, check out my Curriculum Vitae, my blog, and finally my GitHub profile!

To contact me about professional opportunities, to which I’m always open, or anything else, write me an email.